Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Muay Thai Kickboxing

Nearly a year ago, I bought these kickboxing classes off of dealfind.  I started them right around Christmas, but between all the holidays and being gone I hadn't been in over a month.  I really like it though, which surprised me.  I have taken dance classes, cardio kickboxing and all sorts of work out classes and hated most of them.  Those pretentious skinny bitches who only ever talk about their eating habits and yoga stretches while sporting workout clothes that match their over-priced water bottles make me want to vomit and then go eat something to make up for my unnecessary vomiting.  Plus, I always feel that working out should serve as a means to acquire genuine skills as opposed to being solely able to say "Omg, I totally went to the gym today!"

The class I'm taking now is not cardio kickboxing, it's learn-how-to-kick-someone's-ass kickboxing.  And I love it.  I pretend that I'm a stunt actress in a movie and in my head, I feel like I look like this:
However, in reality I'm well aware that I look more like this:

But that's okay because I actually want to go back.  Even though I'm no champion fighter, there's something about it that is pleasantly aggressive.  It makes me feel tough and I just want to do it.  I think it mostly has to do with the fact that it feeds into my on-going fantasies that I'm a secret agent with near-super-human abilities.  And I can stand in the back and no one's judging me because they're all too busy being mediocre themselves.  Well except for those advanced guys who I wouldn't even try to run from.  I would just curl up into a ball and pray they'd knock me out quickly.  But in the fantasy world inside my head I immediately go to the unrealistic scenario: wouldn't it be bad ass to have guys like that for friends who walk around and dare people to fuck with you.  "Oh my god, Jessica, who are  those guys?"  Oh those dudes?  The buff ones?  Yeah, they're just these guys I know -- kinda like body guards.  They could snap your neck.  But I mean, it's fine because we're all just really good friends and stuff cuz we do kickboxing together.  You should have seen them take down those 20 guys at the bar last week... That reminds me.  Did I tell you that I just got a new role in this movie? Yeah, I play a secret agent with super-human powers...

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