Thursday, January 12, 2012

Do You Get Paid for That?

I found this article on BBC talking about how they've finally figured out what color the milky way would look like to us.  And while that's all well and good, all I could think about was how much did you get paid to find that out?  It's not exactly discovering the cure to cancer (which this 17-yr-old girl may have for a mere $100,000). 

In a day and age where the market is still unsteady and most of my friends talk about getting second jobs if they don't already have one (myself included), it makes you wonder just what criteria constitutes the value of your time.  Because I'd figure out the color of the Milky Way for a million dollars. So I think it has a lot to do with how much b.s. you can put around the effort it takes you to do your job.  Because if you ask me, plumbers don't get paid enough to literally deal with shit all day.  But don't tell anyone that on Wall Street.

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