Sunday, July 15, 2012

Birthday Resolutions

Every year on my birthday I make goals for myself to achieve over the next year.  I like to look back and say "when I was [age] I..."  and it's been 2 weeks since my birthday and I still have no clue what I should put down.  I have constant new ideas and all I know is I want the most for myself.  I think I'm capable of a lot of things, but I just gotta figure out how to get there.  Since I started my new, professional blog The Chicago Event Planner I've enjoyed the challenge of continually blogging on professional subject and interacting with other local professionals.  I've already learned a fair amount about the analytics and marketing side of it.  I've pushed myself to be as consistent as I can and it's been educating, eye-opening and fun.

I'm also looking towards the future and what I really want and who I really want to be.  That question never seems to go away and all the challenges of being "a real adult" like I told myself 25 was going to be are not diminishing because I actually turned 25.  I still want to publish a short story that I never seem to get around to writing amidst writing and & researching for my blog when I'm not working.  Then there's the whole music thing which I haven't completely given up on.  I'm considering starting my own business.  I try to network as much as possible.  I want to learn Spanish and continue studying wine (especially since I have the wine book now).  I need to work out and actually cook dinner instead of microwaving whatever pre-cooked item I have lying in the fridge.  I need to keep my apartment clean, do laundry regularly and make my bed more often.  I should read more, keep up hair treatments, keep my nails up, iron my clothes before bed so my outfit's ready for the next day.  I should shine my shoes and hang my wall lamp.  Because these are all things "real adults" seem to do.  And so I find myself inherently lazy and most of that stuff never gets done.  Breaking bad habits is hard and it's taking me a really long time.  Since January I've been attempting.  But to be fair I'm really good at going to the movies and petting my cat.  My measurable progress with my professional blog reminds me I'm not failing at life, but the challenge is finding out how to balance it so by the time I'm 30 this stuff is clock work.  It seems simple: Get up, work out, shower, breakfast, blogging/research/news-reading/facebook/linkedin/ stuff go to work.  However it mostly is: wake up, lay in bed...still in bed, get up, blog/research, etc., holy shit is that the time?  Shower. Rush out the door, barely make it to work.  I will work out when I get home.  Except when I get home I just want to eat and watch tv.  I guess I just need to kick my own ass more.  Which means I should be cleaning right now instead of writing.  That was my only goal this entire week and I live in a studio.  I have no excuse.
...'kay.  Here I go.  I'm going to clean now.  Pandora, Rihanna Station ON!

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