I read this article this morning talking about a guy who went to a good school, got an "amazing" job and took 6 years to realize that his six-figure career bought him everything he wanted but was killing him. http://thoughtcatalog.com/2012/no-one-cares-that-you-graduated/
It's really good. It's really honest. And it's really true.
How many times a week, hell a day, do I think "why do I suck at life?" I recently opened my May edition of Vogue and read this article about a girl who studied abroad her first semester junior year in Kenya. She went from student to a woman changing the world. It reminded me a bit of my spring break trip to Ghana, minus the fact that I'm not engaged to a local, political/social activist, survived malaria and started an entire organization that educates children, provides food, medical care, vaccinations and HIV/AIDS testing to the local Kenyan community. But we're the same age and when I read things like that and think "why do I suck at life?" I also thought "why am I excusing myself for sucking at life all the time?" I wanted to be like her. She was inspiring. I stapled the article and stuck it on my fridge.
I've been tracking it with this very blog -- failed attempts at healthy eating, not wanting to spend money on wine every week, not writing every day. I spend my time doing things but the whole time I think that I should be doing something else. Why is that? If I'm watching tv I think about how I should be cleaning or doing laundry. If I'm doing laundry I think about how much I hate doing laundry but feel "good" about it because it's what I should be doing. Right now I should be doing dishes instead of writing, only I love writing and reading articles online. I try to organize my life based on the things I feel like I SHOULD do only to end up doing kinda what I want to do but I punish myself for it. I'm obsessed with trying to have enough money since it seems everyone I work with makes so much more than me. I want to help my parents out -- my dad is 71 and still works 12 hr shifts in a factory saying things like "I thought I'd get to retire, but I think I'm going to die in there." That's kind of depressing. And my mom doesn't work because my sister is special needs and requires her entire life caring for her -- plus now she is caring for my grandma who is in her late eighties. My mother hasn't work in nearly 30 years. So add that to the fact that I don't have benefits of any kind including insurance, sick days or vacation. I work hard at what I do only to be told that getting used to make other people money is "just how it is" because I don't have enough work experience and blah blah blah. But truth be told it makes me really upset. I have so many ideas, so many things I want to do. I want to travel, to start my own business (even businesses -- I have multiple ideas I think can be successful). I want to work to help people whether in government or as part of an NGO or something. I was excited NATO was coming when other people were terrified that the city would be violently attacked and burned to the ground.
Don't get me wrong, I actually really enjoy what I do and I'm good at it but I'm turning 25 in about a month. I'm trying to get my shit together finally. Eat better & exercise regularly because I need to start taking care of my body before things go downhill. Start doing and not just come up with ideas and let them sit there. I want to find ways to do everything I want to do. I want to make sure I don't get caught in the machine that is Corporate America. Last night I was talking to my aunt on the phone. She's getting ready to retire. She worked hard -- endless hours her whole life. She was a model employee but she said "yes, I have all this money and we are where we are today because of it but I've wasted my whole life." "Not your whole life," I said. "You still have plenty to live." "Yeah, but not much of it."
So I can work and plot and fantasize but the excuses remain. I can't leave because of my family, I want to get more experience. It's expensive and uncertain to move or do something else. While I have more to think of than myself, at the end of the day you have to answer to yourself. So I ask: What would the definition of "a good life" be for me? What are the things I should be doing to make me happy, to be successful and to help others? I don't want to live a regimented life even though order and consistency is always looked upon with favor. But it's boring -- to me. So plain, so regular.
I just need to figure out what it means for ME to be good at life. And also I should probably quit bitching and just do the dishes already.
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